A massive thank you to Property Brokers, who donated $600 in vouchers in rewards for our PB4L Solid Citizens!
Yesterday, we held our solid citizen prize draw. We were joined by Kiriwai Bishop and Gretchen Gould from Property Brokers, who kindly donated $600 in vouchers from local businesses. We thank them for their generosity and willingness to support our PB4L journey.
Once again, Thank you to The Bakehouse for the pie vouchers, and congratulations to Kelly Cassie and Thomas Crawford for receiving one.
Another huge well done to this term’s Good Sort, Gabriel Lagos. You were nominated because you deserve it, and we are pleased to see you are being recognised as a Good Sort at Mackenzie College! Keep being awesome!
This week’s PB4L assembly was Isabelle and Emma’s last one. We sincerely thank them for their significant contribution to the PB4L team.
Emma and Izzy said a few words about their time as PB4L Captains:
We were asked to share a few words about how we found PB4L, and as someone who is quite shy and isn’t a fan of talking in big crowds, it was quite a challenge suddenly talking in front of the whole school. In saying that, it was one of the best things I could have ever done, and I feel that I’m leaving this role more confident and a better person, and I hope I take that into the next steps of my life. I strongly recommend that those who may feel the same way about talking in front of big crowds give something like this a go; you won’t regret it. I used to think that the people who told me to “get out of my comfort zone” were just there to make my life miserable, but honestly, it truly is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Being a part of the PB4L team has been so much fun but also insightful on how much effort goes into the background of something like this. So many different roles need to be filled within PB4L, and everyone’s role is important and valued. Even though I was a student voice at the meetings, I felt so included. It has benefited me to be a part of a team with teachers, members of the community, and peers. This role has been an excellent start for my future career after school.
Congratulations to the latest badge recipients:
Aspire – Green: Ollie Nelson, Alain Giquel.
Integrity – Green: Pippa Russek, Alain Giquel.
Creativity – Green: Emma Guiney.
Manaakitanga – Black: Kaleb Lagos, Connor McLay, Eli Taylor, Hayato Ikai, Abbigail Murdoch, Carys Lloyd-Forrest, Cerys Hawkins, Isaac Ryall, Luke Jordan, Annabelle Gibson, Greta Biggs, Lexie Biggs, Maggie Hessell, Isabelle Miles, Bella Parke, Hope Herrick, George Waymouth, Poppy Geary, Evelyn Holden.
Aspire – Black: Damien Malcolm, Hayato Ikai, River Land, Caleb Marris, Cassidy Anderson, Cerys Hawkins, Jessica Ryall, Sam Linklater, Greta Biggs, Talen Hignett, Emma Parke, Dezmon Whistler, Archie Holden, Kaia McKenzie, Larissa Hannagan.
Grit-Black: Emma Guiney, Thomas Crawford, Hayato Ikai, Cassidy Anderson, Cerys Hawkins, Archie Drummond, Courtney O’Neill, Greta Biggs, Lexie Biggs, Ben Slade, Emma Parke, Bella Parke, Kaleb O’Neill, Talon Potter, Archie Waymouth, Xavier Story.
Integrity – Black: Emma Guiney, Rhiley Reid, Abbigail Murdoch, Cassidy Anderson, Isaac Ryall, Bella Parke, Luke Hill, Byrin Mouatt, Oliver Jones.
Creativity – Black: Jack Cassie, Brisea Lagos, Ceara Harris, Luke Jordan, Archie Drummond, Cass Willetts, Lexie Biggs, Dequila Pearks, Hope Herrick, William Anderson, Laia McKenzie, Archie Waymouth, Xavier Story.
Manaakitanga – Silver: Gabriel Lagos, Gus Biggs, Akeila Tong, Blake Jordan, Elizabeth Bates, Lilley Johnson.
Aspire – Silver: Gabriel Lagos, Kaleb Lagos, Thomas Crawford, Eli Taylor, Ceara Harris, Damian Roughton, Fletcher Hurst, Rewan Hignett, Emma Habraken, Lilley Johnson, Renee Sullivan.
Grit – Silver: Phostina Folau, Eshaa Pasaol, Damian Roughton, Akeila Tong, Elizabeth Bates, Matthew Hunter.
Integrity – Silver: Katsuto Ikai, Thomas Crawford, Emily Foote, Gus Biggs, Rebecca Boon, Blake Jordan, Emma Habraken, Hope Herrick, Matthew Hunter.
Creativity – Silver: Eshee Pasaol, Phostina Folau, Eshaa Pasaol, Sam Cassie, Akeila Tong, Annabel Geary.